Virgo's spirit animal; the Bear is a creature like no other, and one that we just can’t skip over lightly 🐻! This great loner is critical, strong, but also deeply calm and altruistic ...
And gaining ground? The Burmese python. Recently another animal has grown in popularity − the black bear. Why? Visibility. More and more there are reports of bears roaming in people's yards ...
A sneak peak of a new episode of National Geographic's Incredible Animal Journeys shows two polar bear cubs exploring the outdoors for the first time Kelli Bender is the Pets Editor at PEOPLE.
The RMK Elistvere Animal Park once again has its own bear as of this week. The adorable bear cub arrived in Tartu County from Põlva County and is currently affectionately called Mõmmik. The young ...
The massive adult bear was too large to be tranquilized, so employees from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife used peanut butter and rotisserie chicken to lure the animal out of its ...