The auto sear, or “Glock switch,” converts a handgun into a weapon that fires 120 rounds a minute. The lawsuit wants Glock to ...
“Auto sears for Glock pistols have been around almost as long as the pistols themselves,” attorney Michael L. Rice wrote for Glock in October. Rice noted that Chicago “claims that because ...
BALTIMORE (AP) — Baltimore is suing gunmaker Glock over design features that allow its handguns to be easily modified to ...
A lawsuit alleges Glock makes and sells guns that are easily turned into illegal machine guns, the state of Maryland and the city of Baltimore announced Wednesday morning. Maryland Attorney General ...
A lawsuit alleges Glock makes and sells guns that are easily ... that can easily be converted to illegal machine guns with an auto sear, which officials described as a cheap, small device commonly ...
The effort targets Glock for selling semiautomatic pistols to Maryland civilians that can easily be converted into illegal weapons with an auto sear — a small device more commonly known as a ...
Authorities said owners of Glock semiautomatic pistols can easily install "auto sears," also known as Glock switches, that make the weapons more lethal, capable of firing 1,200 rounds a minute. The ...
Maryland Attorney General Anthony Brown and Mayor Brandon Scott filed a lawsuit against major gun manufacturer Glock, alleging that the company violated the state's Gun Industry Accountability Act and ...
State and city leaders said the lawsuit alleges Glock unreasonably endangers and harms public health and safety in Maryland by manufacturing and selling semiautomatic pistols that can easily be ...
BALTIMORE — (AP) — Baltimore is suing gunmaker Glock over design features that allow its handguns to be easily modified to become fully automatic weapons, which enables criminals to inflict ...