Asteroid 2024 YR4 won’t hit Earth in December 2032, but that doesn’t mean we’re out of the woods forever. Researchers warn ...
The threat from near-Earth asteroid 2024 YR4 may have subsided, but discoveries of other hazardous space rocks are set to ...
NASA is tracking a bus-sized asteroid that will be zooming past the Earth today at a speed of nearly 28,028 miles per hour. The space rock, known as "2025 FO6," is estimated to be about 35 feet across ...
NASA is monitoring a bus-sized asteroid as it makes its closest approach to Earth today, among a group of five space rocks ...
The narrow difference is due to the two agencies’ use of different tools for determining the asteroid’s orbit and modeling its potential impact. But both percentages rise above the 2.7% chance ...
The odds that the recently discovered asteroid will hit Earth on December 22, 2032 have now risen to 3.1 percent, NASA said on Tuesday, the highest probability for an impact by such a large space ...
A few weeks ago, Asteroid 2024 YR4 made headlines for being surprisingly likely to hit Earth in the next several years. After peaking at an impact likelihood of about 3%, additional data was ...
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has just reduced the odds of impact to 0.0017%, down from a high of 3.1%. But the uncomfortably uncertain path of this asteroid — discovered ...
Europe's HERA mission is aiming to find out how much of an impact a NASA spacecraft made when it deliberately smashed into an asteroid in 2022 in the first-ever test of our planetary defences. But ...
For a brief window, Asteroid 2024 YR4 looked like a planetary ... According to the Torino Impact Hazard Scale, used to characterize such threats, it ranked a Level 3 out of 10 — a highly unusual ...
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has just reduced the odds of impact to 0.0017%, down from a high of 3.1%. But the uncomfortably uncertain path of this asteroid — discovered ...