Workers with an axe to grind against their employer are using artificial intelligence (AI) to bombard businesses with costly ...
A Paralympic hero his partner were told they could not stay in a hotel room they had paid for because of their wheelchairs.
Research defines "inappropriate, intense, or poorly controlled anger" as "1) anger that was triggered by small things or that was difficult to control; 2) frequent temper outbursts or anger that lead ...
Christopher Burgess, 44, was on his way back to Manchester Airport from Alicante when he began causing a disturbance on the ...
The court heard Bennett’s messages began after being “caught up” in online right-wing propaganda during the pandemic. The ...
The teen was wearing a pair of black rimmed spectacles which prompted the victim to compare him to JK Rowling's wizard.
A young man who was not prepared to accept a teenage girl’s refusal of consent and continued to have sex with her against her ...
Vinted users say they have had to cancel orders over a feature on the app that has left them angry. The second-hand selling ...
Mother-of-one in ‘excruciating pain’ after spine operation in case that forms part of wider police investigation ...