Time and space shifting: author David Cairns on the difficulties of writing detailed historical fiction set in Scotland from ...
Here is a list of some art pieces that you can pay a visit to in a nearby museum. They all depict eagles but not the footballing species. Better still, if you’re really not doing much else on Sunday, ...
The capital’s grand land-owning families are being unseated by new money. Here are the major players monopolising the capital ...
David’s Brisket House has a unique story that adds an extra layer of flavor to every sandwich they serve. Originally owned by a Jewish family, the restaurant was sold to a Muslim family in the 1970s.
Vance, a Catholic convert, accused the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops of resettling “illegal immigrants.” ...
ABC's Of Kings and Prophets shows exactly what you shouldn't do when dramatizing a biblical story for network TV audiences.
For over 850 years, the leaning minaret of the Great Mosque of al-Nuri stood as an iconic landmark in the Iraqi city of Mosul ...
New archaeological museum contains original marble map from Ancient Rome - Visitors can walk over the map in the museum in ...
Archaeologists Unearth a Centuries-Old Fortified City Which Belonged to a Civilization That Developed Writing A researcher ...