FRANKFURT - Germany's constitutional court has received more legal complaints from lawmakers against plans by ...
Eintracht Frankfurts Vorstandsmitglied Philipp Reschke hat nach dem verzögerten Anpfiff des Bundesliga-Spiels beim VfL Bochum ...
Wer wird der neue Oberbürgermeister von Wiesbaden? Die hessischen Grünen haben eine neue Parteispitze gewählt. Und ...
Der AfD-Wahlerfolg in der Region um Eberswalde wirft Schatten auf die lokale Wirtschaft und Tourismusbranche. Vor allem ein ...
Kontrollverlust, Abschottung, Zurückweisungen. Über die deutschen Grenzen wird viel geredet, über die Menschen, die dort ...
Langsam weniger Wolken und kaum Regen in Hessen +++ Weiteres Gutachten zum Corona-Untersuchungsausschuss +++ Hessischer ...
Young workers and students who want to fight against fascism, militarism and social cuts need a clear understanding of the ...
Tesla car sales in Germany fell by 76% in February, data showed on Wednesday, adding to the collapse in sales of Elon Musk's ...
European defence company shares have also soared as momentum to ramp up spending gathers pace. German defence companies ...
Merz, Germany's likely next chancellor, has seized the moment after the return of Donald Trump to the White House threw the ...
While AfD surged to become Germany’s second-largest political force in the election, behind Germany’s mainstream conservatives, the party’s strength varies around the country.
The far-right Alternative for Germany, or AfD, which wants to pull Germany out of the European Union and fly immigrants back to their home countries, dominated online channels in the run-up to ...