It happened late Friday evening at the plant located at S. Alameda Street and E. Sepulveda Boulevard, according to Los ...
A residence in Bangor Township was completely destroyed by a fire Monday morning, according to South Haven Area Emergency ...
A crude oil pipeline crack caused a thick oil slick in the Viche River in northwestern Ecuador. Employees of the state oil ...
A spill while riding his father's horse left jockey Keith Asmussen with a fractured femur, three broken ribs, and a torn lung ...
The truck flipped about 11 a.m. on the East 9th and Ontario streets exit from Interstate 77 North. The exit was closed, as ...
Starbucks has been ordered to pay $50 million to a California delivery driver who suffered severe burns when a hot drink ...
A Los Angeles delivery driver was awarded $50 million after a Starbucks tea spilled in his lap at a drive-through in February ...
A stretch of water at the end of Vista de la Playa is closed to swimmers until further notice, according to San Diego County ...
The latest transboundary wastewater flows threaten to delay the urgent repair, rerouting and rehabilitation of a pipe system ...
Authorities and environmentalists in Zambia fear the long-term impact of an acid spill at a Chinese-owned mine that ...