Philadelphia pushed hard to win the right to put speed cameras in school zones from a state legislature that has been ...
The main road into a Norfolk seaside town will be closed for most of the next nine weeks to allow safety cameras to be ...
Anyone in the designated school zone caught driving 11 mph or more over the posted speed limit would receive a $100 civil ...
Two new speed cameras have gone online in Wheat Ridge. The Harris County Sheriff's Office confirms the death of Deputy ...
Officials gathered Friday in Hauppauge to urge state lawmakers to approve the budget provisions needed to keep highway ...
Re “Speed cameras in school zones OK’d” (A1, March 6): I agree with having school zone cameras. In my area, I commonly see ...
The City of Philadelphia will receive nearly $17.4 million from the Automated Speed Enforcement funding program.
Macon-Bibb County Mayor Lester Miller announced Monday that he intends to "proceed with limited [school speed zone] camera ...
For many years, New South Wales’ average speed cameras have been used solely to detect speeding in heavy vehicles and ...
The next 15 of the 75 new speed cameras, doubling the radar traps on city streets, are expected to be up and working by April ...
To ban or not to ban? That’s the question Georgia legislatures are debating right now when it comes to school zone speed ...
One of the latest initiatives for this has been the piloting of Artificial Intelligence (AI) speed cameras which mean drivers ...