GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump’s tariffs would raise $2.8 trillion over 10 years, but even that would fall far short of paying for his ideas.
Rainy day funds, also known as budget stabilization funds, allow states to set aside surplus revenue for use during unexpected deficits. Every state has some type of rainy day fund, though deposit and ...
The federal government distributes grants to states and localities for many purposes. Some grants are delivered directly to these governments, but others are “pass-through” grants that first go to ...
Fines, fees, and forfeitures are financial penalties imposed for violations of the law. State and local governments collected a combined $13 billion in revenue from fines, fees, and forfeitures in ...
Unemployment insurance assists workers who become involuntarily unemployed and meet specified eligibility requirements. Unemployment insurance programs are run as federal-state partnerships financed ...
Many preferences in the tax code phase out for high-income taxpayers—their value falls as income rises. Phaseouts target tax benefits to low- and middle-income households while limiting revenue costs, ...
Severance taxes are taxes on the extraction of natural resources such as oil and natural gas. State and local governments collected a combined $11.8 billion in revenue from severance taxes in 2021.
GILTI is the income earned by foreign affiliates of US companies from intangible assets such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act imposed a new minimum tax on GILTI.
The Medicare trust fund finances health services for beneficiaries of Medicare, a government insurance program for the elderly, the disabled, and people with qualifying health conditions specified by ...
The difference is whether heirs who sell an inherited asset will pay tax on the capital gains from the time the asset was originally purchased or from the time it was inherited. The difference in tax ...
Spending and revenue targets set in the annual budget resolution are enforced by points of order, which any member of Congress may raise against legislation inconsistent with those targets. The House ...
While any tax system with flat rates could be called a flat tax, the name is usually reserved for a system developed by Robert Hall and Alvin Rabushka in 1985. Their flat tax is really a two-part VAT: ...