15h15 5 min de lecture par Luc Jose A. S'informer Event La course à l’innovation en matière d’intelligence artificielle (IA) s’accélère à une vitesse vertigineuse, et redéfinit les frontières de la ...
El mercado de Bitcoin atraviesa una zona de turbulencias, mientras que algunos analistas predicen una posible caída del precio por debajo de la barrera simbólica de los 50.000 dólares. Esta ...
The Bitcoin market is going through a turbulent phase, as analysts predict a possible drop in price below the symbolic threshold of $50,000. This worrying prospect is explained by evolving liquidity ...
The American Federal Reserve (FED) is currently at the center of an intense debate regarding the future direction of interest rates as inflation continues to raise concerns. The divisions within the ...
The future of Western aid to Ukraine is currently hanging in the balance, faced with a series of uncertainties. On one hand, the Kiel Institute, a well-known German research institute, warns of a ...
Gary Gensler, the chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), recently expressed his skepticism about the future of cryptos as a widely adopted means of exchange. At an event at the ...
The month of October 2024 is currently marked by notable declines in the crypto market. Investors, very worried, are wondering if Uptober will finally happen, or if they should already consider other ...
According to a recent report from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the messaging app Telegram has become a favored tool for illicit cryptocurrency activities. This report ...
The FBI recently took an unprecedented step by launching its own cryptocurrency, called NexFundAI, as part of an operation to combat financial market manipulation. This innovative initiative has ...
Muchos mecanismos subyacentes permiten que un monedero de software Bitcoin funcione. Esto incluye la creación y gestión de llaves privadas, el envío y recepción de transacciones, así como las medidas ...
Selon un récent rapport de l’Office des Nations Unies contre la Drogue et le Crime (ONUDC), l’application de messagerie Telegram est devenue un outil privilégié pour les activités illicites liées aux ...
¿Qué es un monedero Bitcoin? Un monedero (o «billetera», en inglés) es un dispositivo, un soporte, un servicio de pago en línea. Su rol: almacenar, gestionar, enviar, recibir, controlar y asegurar ...