More than 50 years after the passing of the hero of Free France, is Europe having a de Gaulle moment? The question echoes in ...
The French Carrier Strike Group has completed its first deployment in the Pacific and deepened ties with U.S. and Japanese ...
Roosevelt agreed when his ambassador to Vichy, Admiral William D. Leahy, described de Gaulle as “an apprentice dictator”. There is a chilling echo in Trump’s description of Volodymyr Zelensky as a ...
France's aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle is wrapping up a major deployment to the Asia-Pacific, which saw its air wing ...
The Marine Nationale says it needs to adapt to an atmosphere that demands ‘shorter reaction times,’ and the new Link 22, ...
MANCHESTER Airport recorded more than two million passengers in February for the first time in its history thanks to a bumper half-term week.
The magnanimous man accurately believes he is great and seeks to win triumphs that will bring glory and greatness to his ...
CMA CGM Air Cargo is to set up a new air freight hub in Chicago with Boeing 777 freighters as part of its parent company’s ...
Responding to Trump's shifting allegiances, French president Macron gave the speech that the American president never would.
A recently concluded trilateral naval drill known as Exercise ‘Pacific Steller' has helped to lay down the road map for Japan ...
A visit by the French navy’s carrier strike group to Changi Naval Base in Singapore signals the aim of Paris to project itself as an Indo-Pacific power as China’s military activities loom over ...