BISMARCK, ND ( KXNET) — The Bismarck Fire Department was busy Monday night, March 17, dealing with two fires in the city. The ...
The Bismarck Veterans Memorial Public Library is celebrating National Library Week from April 6-12 with a Peeps Diorama ...
Bismarck police arrested and charged a man with luring minors and attempted use of a minor in a sexual performance.
BISMARCK, N.D. (KFYR) - A group of protesters gathered around the post office on Rosser Avenue Tuesday morning.
Chaitanya Gopi, a fifth grader from Dakota Montessori School in Fargo, also recorded a perfect score on the written spelling ...
Energy Transfer Executive Chairman Kelcy Warren claimed in court testimony that he traveled to North Dakota in December 2016 ...
Economic and financial experts have predicted a positive trajectory for Nigeria’s economy, ruling out the likelihood of a ...
North Dakota's former Indian Affairs Commissioner Scott Davis took a role at the federal Department of Interior.
House Bill 1176, sponsored by Rep. Mike Nathe, R-Bismarck, would give North Dakota homeowners up to a $1,450 primary ...
Perch to Go!  The Devils Lake ice fishing season has wrapped for the author as he heads back to the Missouri River for spring ...
Lil' Canoli is home!Witney Nielsen shared a video of the pink puppy statue’s return Tuesday morning.Someone stole Lil' Canoli ...
North Dakota lawmakers heard more than two hours of testimony on a bill that could fund private school tuition through ...