Three dimensional (3-D) volumetric parameters from slice-to-volume reconstructed (SVR ... All fetal MRI scans were performed using a Philips Achieva 1.5 T MRI scanner and a 16-channel sense-xl-torso ...
In this study, we developed a 3D inner-volume (IV) TSE (SPACE) sequence with optimized 2D ... of 70 mT/m and maximum gradient slew rate of 200 mT/m/ms. A 32-channel head coil was used for signal ...
There was no difference between the two groups in cartilage volume loss at 2 years ... with 1.5 T whole-body MR unit using a commercial receive-only extremity coil. The MRI sequence was a T1-weighted, ...
But how do MRI machines work? This video breaks down the quantum physics behind MRI scans, the role of superconducting ...
Ocrelizumab significantly reduced the number and volume of cortical lesions associated with multiple sclerosis at 120 weeks, ...
Free-breathing phase-resolved functional lung MRI-derived parameters can identify a distinct lung phenotype in children and adolescents with post-COVID-19 condition.
MRI imaging is used to help diagnose many conditions. It can provide images of structures in your body and help show areas of concern. If your doctor thinks you may have multiple sclerosis, an MRI ...
This study assesses the ability of cardiac MRI (CMR) to distinguish between physiological LVH ... sport status and left ventricular (LV) end-diastolic volume (EDV) to ED ventricular wall mass (EDM) ...
What Is a Spinal MRI? A spinal MRI ... Or you might come into contact with heated coils or cables in the scanner. Hearing loss or ringing in the ears (tinnitus).High noise levels can cause ...
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