In the first set break at 16-12 with two serves of the opposite hitter from Bologna Casini, engaged in a challenge against ...
Princess Theodora of Greece and Denmark was born on 9 June 1983 at St Mary's Hospital in London, as the fourth child to the late King Constantine and Queen Anne-Marie. She spent her early years in ...
Theodora, originally an actress of humble origins, became one of the most powerful women in Byzantine history. Born in the late 5th century, Theodora’s early life was marked by hardship. As an actress ...
Ravenna is a small city located in an area ... brings to life the golden sacredness of Emperor Justinian and his wife Theodora, with the hieratic figures accompanying them, in the most iconic ...
OLYMPIA THEODORA RAVENNA: Balducci 12, Marchesano 12, Poggi 5, Pirro 7, Fabbri 6, Casini 19, Franzoso (L); Toppetti 1, Nika, Missiroli1, Benzoni. NE. Bendoni ...
Re Carlo III e la regina consorte del Regno Unito, Camilla, hanno in programma di visitare Ravenna tra la fine di marzo e l’inizio di aprile. Il sovrano inglese farà una veloce tappa in Romagna ...
L’impianto di rigassificazione al largo delle coste di Ravenna di fronte a Punta Marina entrerà in funzione dai primi giorni di aprile, solo tre anni dopo le prime autorizzazioni. La trasformazione ...
Emperor Justinian I and Empress Theodora were the 6th Century golden couple of the Byzantine Empire. Think Jay-Z and Beyonce - but with a lot more chariots. Script and narration by Emma Nagouse ...