A punt de començar l’any 2025, el temple expiatori de la Sagrada Família es prepara per fer un gran salt endavant que, tot i ...
What does ‘La Sagrada Familia’ mean in English? It means “the holy family,” as in Jesus, Mary and Joseph. The full name of the church, however, is Basílica i Temple Expiatori de la ...
El divendres 13 de desembre, a les set de la tarda, la Sagrada Família organitza el tradicional Concert de Nadal. Un any més, el temple dissenyat per Antoni Gaudí s'omplirà de música i esperit ...
Els dies 20, 21 i 22 de desembre, la façana del Naixement de la Sagrada Família s'il·lumina a tot color. L'espectacle inclou ...
For a second straight year, Temple and La Salle will battle for a spot in the title game. Last year, the Owls beat the Explorers in a triple overtime thriller on North Broad Street. "We'll think ...
The temple is located close to Luxor and was possibly dedicated to the lion-headed goddess Repit. Archaeologists have unearthed an ancient Egyptian temple hidden in a cliff face. The temple dates ...
In order to share the Christmas spirit with the public, the Sagrada Familia presents a lighting show on the Nativity Façade, ...
In this period, however, we should always remember that there is only one Temple and that's the one Temple in Jerusalem. The building itself was very small. The actual building of the Temple could ...
Si hi ha una pregunta que és tot un clàssic a Barcelona és aquesta: quan s'acabarà la Sagrada Família? Tant és així, que ja tenim una frase feta: Això semblen les obres de la Sagrada Família, per ...
La Sagrada Familia is Barcelona’s famous unfinished church. Vicky Farncombe from Witness History has been talking to architect Mark Burry, who worked on the building for more than 35 years ...