Spin Master has launched a new DC Metal Force toy line based on the DC Kids animated series of the same name. The new toys are available now through Amazon and are shipping immediately.
Scientists have found an elusive third form of magnetism that could help solve a longstanding puzzle about superconductors.
Pulsars typically spin incredibly fast, often completing a full rotation in just seconds—or even less. Over the last three years, some mysterious objects have emerged that emit periodic radio ...
Spin Master has brought DC fans some awesome new action figures inspired by the DC Kids animated TV show, DC Metal Force, where the DC heroes we all know and love are suited up in full metal suits ...
Observing the effects of special relativity doesn't necessarily require objects moving at a significant fraction of the speed of light. In fact, length contraction in special relativity explains how ...
Yeah, the same 1,287-horsepower electric hypercar from China that made headlines a few months back for doing bunny hops and spinning in a circle at a standstill. In a recently released video ...
Spencer sits at the same desk as John Thorne, the coach he helped hire. “I've lived my entire life within 7 miles of my desk,” Spencer said. The circle is complete, but it's still spinning.
Now we can play with even more cool DC toys thanks to Spin Master, who’s released a new DC Metal Force set of toys. Available via Amazon, this collection brings DC’s mightiest heroes and villains to ...
Authors Ian Tregillis and George R.R. Martin develop a formula to capture the dynamics driving viral behavior in the Wild ...