A NUMBER of linear polyelectrolytes—acid as well as basic—give high dielectric increments in aqueous solution, when compared with less asymmetric proteins and simple dipolar ions.
Red seaweed, produced in Hawaii, can reduce methane emissions by up to 80%. A study at the University of New Hampshire aims to find the most stable way farmers can use the product to feed their cattle ...
How Much Seaweed Should You Eat? This edible sea vegetable comes in various forms including but not limited to nori, kelp, wakame, kombu, and spirulina, thus it’s easy to integrate into the diet.
Does Sylvester Stallon e want to keep out seaweed or boaters from the water next to his multimillion-dollar Palm Beach estate? The action star's plans to install a barrier in the Intracoastal ...
If you feel queasy at the thought of thongweed between your cheeks, you’re probably not alone. Admittedly, seaweed underwear doesn’t immediately entice but Alexander Perry’s business, Alexander ...