Follow-up studies published in 1992, 2004, 2012 and 2022 corroborated trends, though details differed. Some specific predictions lacked accuracy, but LTG’s basic thesis — "unlimited economic growth on ...
Instead, by bringing people together who are incorporating an ecological framework ... from different segments of the social ...
A programme with high ecological ... when the conceptual model pertains to individuals, but the data are available only at a group level. One must be cognisant that a variable measured at one level ...
Interactions are ubiquitous and have been extensively studied in many ecological, evolutionary ... that encapsulates all the pairwise interaction measures and rigorously constructs higher-order ...
A group of determinants (i.e., individual benefits, social benefits, willingness-to-pay ... As to our knowledge, this study is among the first to construct a detailed and complex model to inform ...
We use a combination of supercomputer simulations, theory, analytical calculations ... We have a wide range of projects studying how these parasites will drive ecological and evolutionary change.
Ecologists have identified significant ecological risks associated with the release of hybrid groupers into Hong Kong's coastal waters, a practice often linked to religious 'mercy release' rituals.
The basis of social learning theory is simple: People learn by watching other people. We can learn from anyone—teachers, parents, siblings, peers, co-workers, YouTube influencers, athletes ...