Toward the end of Matthew 25, Jesus welcomes a person into heaven and says that he was hungry, thirsty, naked, a stranger, ...
The White Album was the record where The Beatles felt emboldened to try anything. All the guardrails were removed, and the extra space provided by making a double LP meant pretty much everything was ...
The Pharisees were always trying to trap Jesus. But just when they thought they had Him, Jesus proved to have the upper hand. In Matthew 22:36 we read that a ...
A community, nation, or broad grouping of people having common traditions, institutions, and collective activities and ...
Ramadan is a time for spiritual growth, reflection, and fostering connections with loved ones. The article encourages sharing ...
For those who recognize Christ as the savior, death is not an end or a form of "annihilation," Pope Francis wrote in his ...
We’ve curated the most powerful quotes from individuals who are against the death penalty — including activists, ...