Art is often criticized as frivolous and superficial. Growing in appreciation for art, however, opens us to new questions and ...
Behind "Caspar David Friedrich: The Soul of Nature" is the tale of German Romanticism in the Age of Napoleon. If you were ...
During the pandemic, illustrator Marco Bernard, based in the United States, decided to start an innovative artistic project ...
Each zodiac sign has a specific tarot card that aligns with its unique characteristics and energy. From Aries' bold ...
This optical illusion personality test, featuring an image with zebras and a lion, reveals if an individual is extroverted or introverted based on their initial visual impression. While such tests ...
We developed an interpretable CNN for big five personality traits using human speech data. This project discovers the different frequency patterns of a human voice with respect to each five ...
It takes all kinds, as the saying goes! This is because cats are genetically predisposed toward a certain personality, just like we humans are. Especially important is the Oxytocin Receptor Gene ...
SINGAPORE – When children in MOE Kindergarten @ Springdale encounter a problem, they reflect on it to determine if it is a small, medium or big one. They have learnt that small problems can ...