Though many may not have noticed, Columbus' Palace Theatre has gone through several renovations over the past few years.
This weekend join the Marion community in listening to a storied speaker, catching a live performance or two and listen to student plays.
Hawai‘i County Mayor Kimo Alameda on Monday took a dive to where it’s gotten a bit wetter at the historic Palace Theater to ...
Mach, a Strongsville native, says the journey from community theater to Broadway success is a story of passion, perseverance, ...
A Canton firefighter who nearly took his own life aims to help other emergency responders admit and overcome mental health ...
Bill Burr, who is making his Broadway debut in the starry revival of David Mamet’s Pulitzer Prize-winning play 'Glengarry ...
The Akron Area Interfaith Council and Women’s Interfaith Spiritual Heritage are teaming up for dialogue, potluck meal and artistic expression.
Ray Brewer started his career at WMUR on St. Patrick's Day 28 years ago. Now, he's calling it a career. See his final ...
In this week's "Five questions with" feature, meet Jeff Eastman, a professional ghost hunter from North Canton.
Here is a brief rundown of some coming entertainment options in Northeast Ohio. Make submissions for consideration via email to or You ...
The winning numbers in Thursday evening’s drawing of the "Ohio Pick 5 Evening" game were: ...
Executive director Hermione Malone leads changes for sustainability and broader appeal at Playhouse Square, featuring 302 ...