ultrathin pacemaker that operates like a solar panel. This design not only eliminates the need for batteries but also minimizes disruptions to the heart’s natural function by molding to its ...
Now doctors are testing a new version of these lifegivers. The novel design that’s being tested is 90% smaller than other pacemakers, comes all in one piece -- and doesn’t require surgery.
The doctor makes a cut in the skin just below your collarbone. The cut may be on either side of your chest. The doctor will put the pacemaker leads through the cut. The leads go into a large blood ...
The Identity pacemaker models 5370 and 5376 feature AF management, a suite of therapeutic and diagnostic capabilities designed to manage pacemaker patients suffering from AF. This tool kit includes: ...
The Accent MRI pacemaker, with the Tendril MRI lead, is an MRI conditional system, offering safe performance of a full-body MRI scan on the patient using a 1.5 T (Tesla) field-strength MRI scanner.
Relatively weak magnets in consumer products have always posed some risk, usually very low, to the function of pacemakers and implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs). However, stronger ...
New features, especially with regard to lead design and geometry ... simple programming with clear steps to provide predictable pacemaker performance during the scan, should it be required ...