In the study cohort, 2,310 patients died during a median follow-up of 6.3 years, and prostate cancer accounted for 454 (19.7% ...
At-home tests for men worried about prostate cancer can give inconsistent and inaccurate results, BBC News has found. The ...
MEN have been warned against relying on at-home prostate tests, as they could give inconsistent or misleading results. The ...
The prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test is a blood test which is used to check for prostate conditions including prostate ...
Researchers have uncovered wide variation between GP practices in use of PSA testing in men who are asymptomatic for prostate ...
Currently, doctors usually check PSA levels about six to eight weeks after surgery. However, a new study from Mass General ...
The tests, which resemble a Covid lateral flow strip, turn positive if a high level of a protein called PSA is detected in a drop of blood. Of five rapid tests analysed by the BBC, one did not ...
Prostate Cymru aim to test thousands of men in Wales for signs of the disease, but the charity said many face difficulties in getting a free prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test from their GP, ...
A postcode lottery in prostate cancer detection has been uncovered, with a new study revealing stark differences in how GP ...
According to the report, Williams did not receive a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test, an examination which may have told doctors about his cancer earlier and could have prevented it from ...