There was no answer. Verma said he did not know the boxes contained anything other than sweets. Border agents also found two small baggies of opium, one in a shirt pocket and one in a fanny pack.
AChinese friend and I have taken to batting words at each other like ping-pong balls. I’m trying to improve my Mandarin and she is curious about Bengali, but some things stop us in our tracks. Rice ...
Ranchi Police, on Sunday, has arrested 3 smugglers with weapons and opium. DIG cum SSP Chandan Sinha had received secret information, on the basis of which a police team led by City Dy SP KV Raman ...
Stay updated with breaking news, weather updates, bank holidays and upcoming public holidays in march.
Superdrug has launched a limited-time sale on hundreds of fragrances, which have been discounted by up to 60%. The fragrance ...
Currently, The Perfume Shop has discounted Carolina Herrera Blush Elixir by 13%. The 30ml bottle is reduced from £74 to ...
For something a little more decadent, there is Cheirosa 59, which blends warm amber with velvet plum for a deeper, more ...
Self-styled pastor Bajinder Singh, who is known for his ‘Yeshu Yeshu’ videos, has been booked in a sexual harassment case in ...
Flying on board Air Force One, and other stories from around the world.