Coastal Bend icon and Native American advocate Larry Running Turtle Salazar passed away at 68-years-old in the early morning ...
A federal judge sentenced Sai Keung Tin, a Chinese citizen, to nearly three years in prison for his role in smuggling ...
Local Native American Larry 'Running Turtle' has passed away. Larry 'Running Turtle' was a full-blood Native American. His ...
Wildlife warriors say they have discovered several illegal fishing traps in waterways that are harming native animals.
A beloved figure in the Coastal Bend has passed away. Larry Running Turtle Salazar, a passionate advocate for Native American issues, passed away early Sunday morning at the age of 68. Larry was known ...
At Miami International Airport, TSA officers found two snakes inside of an ironically camouflage-patterned pouch, according to a post it made on Instagram. The scaly discovery made the TSA's list of ...
Two wildlife agencies share insights on what the public should remember about keeping wild animals like deer and rabbits in ...
Join host Levi Rickert for this week’s episode of Native Bidaské as he speaks with Dean Dauphinas about the potential ...
The turtles intercepted at a Torrance mail facility were bound in socks to protect their shells and so they could not move ...
A turtle native to WA swallowed an illegal fishing hook used for catching marron in Geraldton. After multiple attempts to get the hook out the turtle had to go the state's wildlife hospital in Perth.
A Pennsylvania man was found concealing a live red-ear slider turtle in his pants at Newark Airport. The turtle, a popular ...