Mina Mack was introduced to 90 Day Fiance viewers on Sunday night and made quite the first impression. The 90 Day Fiance newcomer debuted alongside her American fiance, Mark Bessette, in Season 11 ...
Mark Bessette and Aminata “Mina” Mack recently made their reality TV debut and viewers want to know if they’re still together. It looks like Mark and Mina have found their happily ever after.
V frančiškanskem samostanu v Mariboru so odprli skupinsko razstavo Odsevi upanja, ki združuje slikarska in kiparska dela 33 slovenskih akademskih umetnikov in umetnic. V prihodnjih mesecih bo razstava ...
Copyright 2025 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. Japan’s Mina Tanaka, left, Fuka Nagano (10) and Maika Hamano (17) celebrate after a goal by Tanaka as ...
Igralec Marko Mandić. Foto: SFC/Mitja Ličen Klementovo filozofsko-kritično razmerje do družbenega okolja, ljubljanske inteligence in tudi do stanja v človeštvu nasploh je narekovalo njegovo ...
Despite being in a long-distance relationship for over two years, the couple is determined to make it last, with Mina finally applying for the K-1 Visa. With the weight of their pasts and the ...
Trenutno ima Izrael v Sloveniji enega častnega konzula, in sicer podjetnika Romana Lisca. Ličen je v mariborskih gospodarskih krogih poznano ime, večino časa je deloval v nekdanji Novi KBM in Pošti ...
Citing unofficial information, the newspaper Delo has reported that Israel put forward Zoran Ličen from Maribor for the post. Ličen ran for MP in the 2022 election on the ticket of the Social ...
Izraelski kandidat za to mesto je Mariborčan, podjetnik, nekdanji novinar, na zadnjih volitvah v DZ pa tudi kandidat SD Zoran Ličen. Izrael v Sloveniji že ima častnega konzula, in sicer podjetnika ...