A study recently published in the journal Science determined that the butterfly population across the continental U.S. has ...
Bright orange milkweed aphids (Aphis nerii) usually emerge toward the end of summer and feed in clusters on the stems and leaves of common milkweed, swamp milkweed, and other milkweed plants.
Using her signature nature sketches, Leslie highlights key identification clues such as beak shape, coloring, flight patterns and behavior. She encourages readers to follow their natural curiosity and ...
On June 8, 2011, the journal Nature published a commentary by 19 ecologists who urged conservationists to “assess organisms ...
I can walk to this outdoor museum and observe sculptures I’d never see in spring and summer, and sometimes even free music is provided.
Texas mountain laurel and redbud offer vibrant blooms and drought tolerance, making them perfect for San Antonio landscapes, plus more small trees to consider.
Bee balm has pollinator written in its title! This flowering plant belongs to the mint family and spreads at a moderate pace, making it best used in areas where it can grow freely. Its leaves have a ...
Lavender ( Lavandula) is a mounding shrub with blueish-purple flowers. There are many different drought-tolerant varieties, ...
Leaves: Birds like Eastern towhees and wood thrushes use leaves ... While certain native grasses and plants like milkweed are ...
It’s sunny in San Francisco. I’m here for a writer’s conference and to visit our son and his wife. I’m beginning to feel like this is my town! I took ...
Landscaping is more than just an aesthetic choice—it plays a vital role in environmental sustainability. A well-designed ...