Liberal Party leader Mark Carney was sworn in as 24th prime minister of Canada this morning, and Canadians have mixed feelings about it.
She didn’t start making puppets in Texas, just collected animals ... First up was Mr. Fluff, one of her meat rabbits from Texas, who now stars in several of her skits opposite Vlad, the black ...
Forget Goethe, never mind Marlowe: this revival and reworking of the 1995 production of ‘Faustus in Africa!’ is from another ...
Check out and visit local distribution stands for newspapers. News sections include news, opinions, arts ...
These giant puppets, animated by the dancers who wear them, are called mojigangas (moh-he-GAHN-gahs). In other parts of Mexico, they are sometimes known by names that are variations of giant or doll.
Journal Editorial Report: If it goes wrong, Health Secretary will own it. Photo: Julio Cortez/Associated Press/Douglas Christian/Zuma Press Agriculture Secretary Brooke Rollins and Health and ...
The Neolithic people who built Stonehenge, for instance, likely ate undercooked organ meat some 4,500 years ago, according to a 2022 analysis.
The enigmatic people who created the figures may have shared cultural traditions with neighboring Maya and other ancient Mesoamerican people. Archaeologists uncovered five puppet-like figurines at ...
Call me a masochist, but I watched Trump’s recent State of the Union address. It was what I expected on steroids. It was a ...
Includes reporting on the new state budget passed by the S.C. House, a poll on the governor's race and an opinion encouraging ...