Asteroid 2024 YR4 won’t hit Earth in December 2032, but that doesn’t mean we’re out of the woods forever. Researchers warn ...
In late 2024, astronomers spotted asteroid 2024 YR4 on a trajectory that could potentially threaten Earth. This observation ...
A CITY-KILLER asteroid could be hurtling towards Earth but going completely undetected, a space agency chief warned. Humanity ...
They flattened forests, left massive craters and even killed the dinosaurs. Learn all about Earth’s hugest asteroid strikes.
Scientists traced origins of 75 meteorites back to specific regions in the asteroid belt, revealing new insights into their ...
TN17, a gigantic space rock the size of the Taj Mahal, is speeding towards Earth at 77,282 km/h. It is rated as possibly ...
TN17, a massive space rock the size of the Taj Mahal, is racing towards Earth at 77,282 km/h and is classified as potentially ...
A case in point: a European Space Agency satellite, known as ERS-2, launched in 1995 and inactive since 2011, tumbled through ...
A 500-foot- wide space rock could inflict mass casualties across a state or a small country; those arrive every 20,000 years.
"Scientifically there's a huge amount we can learn from asteroids," says Alan Fitzsimmons, an astronomer at Queens University ...
Around 600 million years ago, Earth was home to strange, soft-bodied sea creatures, but a powerful asteroid impact in what is ...
so are more likely to hit. The resonant “pumping” stretching the orbit both inward and outward from the asteroid belt has already made 2024 YR4 cross Earth’s orbit, giving it a chance to impact.