Martin Clunes shed his reputation for cosy drama and comedy on Sunday night when he starred in the lead role of new drama series Out There. The six-part ITV series follows Clunes as a farmer who has ...
Martin Clunes, known for his role in Doc Martin, is set to return to our screens in a new drama titled Out There. In this series, he plays Nathan Williams, a farmer in the Welsh countryside who ...
TV star Martin Clunes is back in Out There as a farmer facing off against drug dealers in rural Wales. Martin Clunes plays Nathan Williams, a man who runs a farm in Wales which has been in his ...
Out There viewers were left appalled by a 'very grim and dark' murder scene in the ITV Martin Clunes drama. The crime drama sees the English actor, 63, play the role of farmer Nathan whose ...
Beloved British actor Martin Clunes, known for his roles in 'Doc Martin' and 'Men Behaving Badly', has wowed fans with his significant weight loss, shedding three stone in just three months.
Beloved actor Martin Clunes has been on a health kick in recent years - and said he had found it 'easy' to lose weight with a specific diet. The 63-year-old star dropped three stones in three months ...
So it’s any wonder, that after 40 years in the biz, beloved British actor Martin Clunes is ready to live the quiet life now – and where else to live out his golden years and relax than his ...
Martin Clunes stars in the show as Monmouthshire farmer Nathan Williams, whose son Johnny (Louis Ashbourne Serkis) becomes entangled in a dangerous county lines drug-dealing gang when he's ...
The six-parter stars Martin Clunes as Monmouthshire farmer Nathan Williams, whose son becomes entangled in a dangerous county lines drug-dealing gang when he's pressured to look after a supply of ...
Martin Clunes has been adoring our screen for decades, be it in comedy or drama, and he’s at the top of his game in new agriculture-thriller (the famous sub-genre) Out There, which launched on ...
Martin Clunes says the entertainment industry is "too on-show to carry a dolt", and the children of successful actors don't get work just because of who their parents are. The 63-year-old actor is ...
Doc Martin star Martin Clunes returns in Out There, portraying a farmer battling drug dealers in the Welsh countryside. Martin Clunes takes on the role of Nathan Williams, a man who operates a ...