As per Mumbai Police, the accused goes by multiple aliases – Vijay Das, Bijoy Das, and Mohammed Iliyas. They also confirmed that he previously worked at a pub. The only other details available ...
He was using Vijay Das as his current name. He came to Mumbai 5-6 months ago. He stayed in Mumbai for a few days and then in the vicinity of Mumbai. The accused used to work in a housekeeping agency." ...
2. Earlier the Mumbai Police had identified his name as Vijay Das. DCP Dixit suspected the accused to be a Bangladeshi and said that he had entering India illegally as he lacked valid Indian ...
The accused had barged into Saif Ali Khan's 12th floor apartment in the Satguru Sharan building in the early hours of Thursday with an intent of robbery. Mumbai Police has arrested a man named ...
A petition calling for a ban on the movie ‘Leo,’ citing excessive violent content, was dismissed by the Madurai Bench of the High Court. The film, featuring Vijay and directed by Lokesh ...
Earlier Sunday, the Mumbai police was quoted by news agency ANI as saying that the arrested accused, Vijay Das, is a waiter at a restaurant and has confessed to having committed the crime.
Vijayawada:Pakistan Colony located within Vijayawada Urban Division 62 has been renamed as Bhagiratha Colony.In a statement on Tuesday, NTR district collector Dr. G. Lakshmisha said the renaming ...
However, according to new police claims, he is allegedly a 'Bangladeshi Muslim' who had entered India illegally and used multiple identities, including Bijoy Das, Vijay Das, Mohammad Ilyas ...
Sources told India Today that the accused is a resident of West Bengal and is known by multiple aliases, including Bijoy Das, Vijay Das, Mohammad Illyas, and BJ. Authorities are also probing ...