Goldrick, Jutland, pp. 64–66. 12. William S ... Sims, “What Should Be the Relations between the Battle Fleet and Reserve Fleet,” U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 40/3/151 (May–June 1914), pp. 727–39; ...
"He went to certain death": One of four brothers who fought in First World War honoured 100 years on ...
The Daily Mirror reports on the heavy losses the Royal Navy suffered when it engaged the German Fleet at the Battle of Jutland. Press Bureau, Friday 7pm, The Secretary of the Admiralty makes the ...
who died when the battlecruiser HMS Indefatigable blew up and sank at the Battle of Jutland in 1916. Harold Macmillan (Conservative, 1957-1963) was commissioned a 2nd lieutenant with the King’s ...
Documentary about the Battle of Jutland a naval battle during World War I between the British and German fleets which took place on 31 May and 1 June 1916 in the North Sea off the west coast of ...
Jack Cornwell, known as ‘Jutland Jack’, was a young sailor who died during the Battle of Jutland, the biggest sea battle of World War One. For his bravery during the battle, he was awarded a ...
The Great War has less to tell us about how a Pacific War might start than what it might look like.