Engaging Coloring Drawings to teach Colors ...
“How ironic that it was the act of not forgiving that finally freed me to forgive,” writes Nancy Richards, a survivor of child abuse, who eventually forgave her mother.[i] While researching ...
“I give thanks to my mom and my dad for teaching me right. They teach me to be a light in the dark these days.” Given the opportunity to say thank you, strangers wound up leaving as regulars.
The Baptism of the Lord Jesus teaches us something about the theology ... No one can then say that Jesus did not go far enough to meet me; he went as far as possible. That is why the baptism ...
"Jesus Loves You Baby Bear" introduces children to the teachings of Jesus while reminding them of their unique value and importance. Through the characters of Papa Bear and Baby Bear, Perry hopes ...
We three were at peace. The great British poet, painter and engraver, William Blake, whose work I have taught for decades as an English professor, once wrote these memorable words: “There is a ...
In a section of Scripture written to help believers in Jesus live together in unity ... (Colossians 3:12), Paul adds the encouragement to “forgive one another if any of you has a grievance ...