In a 2023 Healthline survey, 79% of those who reported being interested in trying CBD said they were specifically interested in CBD gummies. And while older adults are interested in CBD as a pain ...
Captain Innocent Maela has found his game reduced over the last couple of seasons at Pirates similar to Happy Jele. Jele was offered an opportunity to stay on at Pirates at the end of his contract ...
Világszerte egyre több, ma már egymilliárd ember küzd túlsúllyal. Mi az EU-s átlagnál rosszabbul állunk: 35 éves kor felett a magyarok 70 százaléka érintett. Ez pedig nem csupán esztétikai kérdés: ...
A daganatos beteg hölgy összeszedte a figyelmeztetÅ‘ jeleket. ...