A SPERM whale which was entangled in ropes off Skye last week has reportedly become stranded on a shore off the nearby island of Raasay ...
A sperm whale spotted entangled in ropes off Skye last week has become stranded on a shore off the nearby island of Raasay. British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR) managed to cut five ropes from the ...
Part 2 of 6 is a tranquil ambient video that immerses viewers in the deep, mysterious world of the ocean. Gentle waves ripple above as sunlight filters through the water, casting shimmering patterns ...
One travel-weary diver finds respite on a weeklong liveaboard trip. On the agenda: snorkeling with humpback whales in Silver Bank, a protected breeding area.
Newquay in Cornwall has seen an early uptick in tourism, arriving much sooner than the usual summer rush, and it's because ...
A new study finds that humpback whale song shares statistical structures with human language, suggesting that cultural ...
Eavesdropping on whale songs over 6 years shows the number of days humpbacks have been singing has nearly doubled–with their ...
Whale songs reveal shifts in ocean conditions, offering vital insights into prey availability and ecosystem health.
I can’t remember if I’ve seen a whale”. A close encounter with one of these larger-than-life leviathans is a life-changing ...
Humpback whale populations have increased, but a change in migration patterns has them staying in Monterey Bay during the ...
Eavesdropping on whale songs has provided vital new information in the battle to protect the endangered species. Variations ...
The findings are a window into the rich inner lives of whales – and allow us to check the health of the ocean.