It's that time of year! The Brookfield Zoo Chicago is offering the chance to name one of their hissing cockroaches after that ...
For a $15 donation a Madagascar hissing cockroach can be named. The names will appear on a naming board displayed outside the Hamill Family Play Zoo. Names must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Feb. 5.
Chocolates and flowers are the standard gifts for Valentine's Day. But what about naming a live creature after the one you ...
For a $15 donation to the Brookfield Zoo, you name a Madagascar hissing cockroach after an annoying ex for Valentine’s Day.
Residents at Wilton Place care home, in Wilton, enjoyed cuddles with rabbits who visited the home with their owners, Corinne and Simon. They also had a visit from Zoo Lab, with animals such as snakes, ...
Everything from alligators and rhinoceroses to parrots and hissing cockroaches call this zoo home. Visitors will find a variety of exhibits here grouped by region, including Africa, Asia and South ...
Among the creatures were a corn snake, a hissing cockroach, a tree frog, a stick insect and a giant centipede.