a free discount savings card and a monthly subscription called GoodRx Gold, which increases your savings. Their free discount ...
In addition, GoodRx offers a Gold Plan, which can increase savings and allows users to renew their prescriptions with online doctor appointments starting at $19 per appointment (non-Gold Plan ...
Subscription plans represent the ending subscription plan balance across both of our subscription offerings, GoodRx Gold and Kroger Savings Club, the latter of which sunset in July 2024.
To find out whether they really work, we tried four of them—GoodRx, LowestMed, Mobile Rx Card, and WeRx—to price a month's supply of the cholesterol-lowering drug Lipitor (40 milligrams ...
SANTA MONICA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--GoodRx Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: GDRX) ("we," "us," "our," “GoodRx,” or the “Company”), the leading prescription savings ...