Mensun Bound, the leader of the search, said: “It is with mixed emotions that we announce the discovery of SMS Scharnhorst, the armoured German battle-cruiser ... point in WWI, and therefore ...
Were the Unterseeboots Ready for War? U-boats were the submarine arm of the German navy and a month into WW1 they struck at the Royal Navy when U-21 sank the cruiser HMS Pathfinder. This was the ...
A British liner carrying 30,000 chests of tea was captured by a German cruiser off the east coast ... was carved up between Britain and France. WW1: How did an artist help Britain fight the ...
the last battle cruiser completed for the Imperial German Navy. Under the terms of the Armistice that ended WWI, the majority of the German fleet was interned at Scapa Flow, including the Hindenburg.
The Maritime Heritage Trust website includes underwater footage of the German WW1 cruiser SMS Scharnhorst, sunk in December 1914 and located only in 2019. A website has been launched to celebrate ...