When they are done chanting “fewer,” the speaker, Geert Wilders of the far-right Dutch Party for Freedom, promises his listeners that he will “take care of it.” Wilders was speaking at an ...
(JTA) — The party of Geert Wilders, a Dutch anti-Islam lawmaker who critics say is a racist, is the third-most popular among local Jews, according to a pre-elections poll of community members.
(JTA) — The Dutch elections in November sent shockwaves through Europe, as voters delivered victory to Geert Wilders, a hard-right populist known for crusading against Islam, immigrants and the ...
“The content of the report about Gidi Markuszower was reason for me to withdraw his candidacy,” Prime Minister Geert Wilders tweeted. An Israeli-born Dutch politician who has long attracted ...
Het kabinet is dan al twee maanden bezig. "Geert, zo kan het niet langer", zou er zijn gemaand. Wilders accepteerde de kritiek. Het contact met collega's is sindsdien verbeterd, al blijft de ...