Under this school of thought, rain gardens are just gardens that store and infiltrate water. In this article, however, the two are treated synonymously. Bioretention basins are depressions in the ...
you can get all kinds of stuff under there,” like old oil tanks or septic systems. An infiltration test is also good for ...
If you've been busily googling 'how to rescue your garden from storm damage' this week, you're not alone; countless homes ...
A rain garden is a type of bioretention, constructed as a shallow depression to hold and infiltrate water from rooftops via downspouts, driveways or other impervious surfaces to reduce polluted ...
• Before the heat and dry air of spring and summer, update your irrigation system to in-line drip, flexible tubing with ...
Daily Acts is leading a free tour Jan. 25 through three home landscapes that feature rain gardens, which capture rainwater to prevent runoff and replenish the groundwater in your landscape.
There’s nothing quite like having a garden in your backyard ... It’s an Internet of Things rain barrel. It’s designed to be as simple as possible so that anyone can set it up in just ...