Enough people have contacted the watershed district that officials decided to hold an informational workshop later this month ...
GENOA TWP., MI — A 90-year-old man died Wednesday after falling through the ice while windsurfing on a Livingston County Lake ...
Oneida, N.Y. — Two men who were ice fishing Friday on Oneida Lake were rescued after one of them fell through the melting ice ...
DELTA COUNTY, MI – Officials in the Upper Peninsula have issued a warning after numerous incidents of vehicles going through ...
SUWA, Nagano -- A natural phenomenon called "Omiwatari," in which ice forming on the surface of Lake Suwa in Nagano ...
The man who was pulled from Lake Chemung in Howell by the U.S. Coast Guard and rescue workers in Livingston County has passed away.
A senior at I.C. Norcom High School faces an assault and battery charge in connection to the March 4 incident in Virginia.
MAPLE VALLEY TOWNSHIP, Mich. — A Montcalm County pastor has died after falling through ice Wednesday evening. Deputies ...
On Tuesday afternoon, two men were rescued on Madison Lake about 1600 feet from shore after falling through the ice.
A man who was pulled from a lake in Living County, Michigan, Wednesday after falling through ice has died.
Officials in Green Lake County helped a few troubled ‘locals’ on Saturday amidst a particularly unique situation. According ...