Lee Health CEO explains why the new hospital will have fewer beds than Lee Memorial, and reveals new plans for Cape Coral to ...
The boat is named the Batchelor Pad. It's a Bertram Yacht and it's been frozen in time, impaled by a couple of dock posts at ...
Former Fort Myers city councilman Levon Simms invited NBC2 into his home Friday morning, showing the damage the garage fire did inside on Christmas.
Back in January of 2010, pretty much the last time Fort Myers saw temperatures tumble below freezing (32 degrees) according ...
Over 50 volunteers joined a five-year effort, testing island waters for signs of nutrient pollution, algae growth, and the ...
With one diverging diamond interchange almost completed in Fort Myers, Construction on Southwest Florida's second DDI starts in the spring.
The new owner of the Bonita Bill's property is cleaning up and making repairs, but first, it had to remove the iconic Hurricane Ian boat.