If you’re reading this then you’re probably human, which means you’ve likely made mistakes and upset people in the past. Our ...
Back when Scar was Taka, he betrayed Mufasa in one of the worst ways possible. Rather than forgive him, Mufasa sealed their ...
After you hurt someone, there is a path toward making amends, emotional healing, and finding acceptance and peace with ...
If I pursue forgiveness therapy, what exactly is it? What are its goals? What are some drawbacks to it? Clear answers may ...
Forgiveness helped course correct Young New Zealand of the Year finalist Ben Purua's life after his role in a man's murder.
On one of the pages I had dog-eared was the poem, “Decide to Forgive.” I was struck by how timely it is. The message is much needed at this time. I believe in “doing unto others as you would have them ...
I recently came across a column of yours with a poem on foregiveness. As I read it, I realized it is as relevant today as it ...
Jesus doesn’t hate them. So I forgive them and pray for their heart. Deeply I do from the bottom of my heart.” While she may have forgiven, she has not forgotten. The family made it clear they ...
If you qualify, student loan forgiveness could eliminate any remaining federal debt you owe -- after a period of repayment.
The years that followed led to the creation of a foundation in Khamisa’s name, one dedicated to stopping youth violence.
so be sure to contact your student loan servicer before you miss payments. Although it's not the same as private student loan forgiveness, some private lenders offer private student loan forbearance.