A state Senate committee advanced a measure that would allow doctors to prescribe appropriate meds to patients with mental ...
The bill would tie prescription drug prices to federally negotiated rates under a program passed in the 1990s.
It is true that improper payments have been made, including some to dead people. But how big of a problem is Social Security ...
Trump finally decided to end the GOP’s internal quarreling on how to pass his budget—and broke a huge promise on Medicaid in the ... cut to the critical health program, in order to pay for ...
Their concerns proved prescient, and today, Scattered Castles remains segregated from OPM’s systems—fortunately, given recent ...
Prominent House Republicans are privately warring over how to advance tax cuts that are expiring and President Donald Trump’s long list of other ... Mike Johnson ’s plan to advance a budget ...
A provider network is a list of the doctors and hospitals that ... In many states, Blue Cross Blue Shield is the only company that sells PPO plans on HealthCare.gov or a state marketplace. For example ...
French President Emmanuel Macron and President Donald Trump are giving a joint news conference Monday after a meeting between the pair as European leaders look to shore up transatlantic alliances.