Small shrimps of the genus Hippolyte have the ability to change color to camouflage themselves in the algae where they live and escape predators. Depending on the algae they are in, they can turn red, ...
Giant clams grow huge by relying on algae for energy. Scientists found genes that help them live with algae and grow big.
Two of three technologies featured at Sarasota event rely on plant-based chemicals; the third uses water cavitation, ozone ...
There are growing concerns about the worldwide expansion of coral reef destruction. Research team: “This is an extremely ...
To test if the line is really worth it when it comes to quenching the thirst of my fellow dry skin sufferers, I used ...
Decarbonizing aviation will require continued increases in fuel efficiency, including through plane design and more efficient ...
Two key questions remain when it comes to the proposed red tide remedies: how to scale them up so they can treat large areas ...
I miss that feeling of instant gratification. You know the weirdly satisfying feeling you get when you peel the plastic off a ...
Feeling dry? It's the worst time of year for tight, parched and flaky skin, as central heating and bitterly cold weather dehydrate and irritate our faces.
Whether you’re looking to replace Red 3 & 40, Blue 1 & 2, Yellow 5 & 6 or Green 3, here’s a list of replacements from suppliers.
As the gulf of Maine heats up, lobsters are migrating north. Seaweed could serve as a replacement crop. But does it actually taste good?
The closed period for spreading slurry, is a condition of the Nutrient Action Programme Regulations (NAP) and ends at midnight on Friday 31 January.