Needing a new experience in Fallout 4? Check out these awesome new quest mods that add their own entire storylines.
Its success is rippling out to its source material, with games like New Vegas and Fallout 4 seeing an uptick in player ... that's been quietly enduring on mobile since 2015, and on PC since ...
PC gamers with Fallout 4 versions through Steam ... And not to be left out of the party, mobile gamers who enjoy Fallout Shelter will see characters from the show inside their Vaults, including ...
Snag the book right here on Bethesda Game Studios' official store — it's $50 and comes in hardcover. It's coming out in late December, but you can pre-order it right now.
There are four S.P.E.C.I.A.L attributes you should distribute the 21 stat points you begin with if you're a "shoot first, ask questions later" kind of player: Strength, Perception, Agility ...