Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) is seeking data on FOIA staffing and compliance across federal agencies, which have long struggled with FOIA staff shortages.
In a March 11 letter to Garland, the Reporters Committee and Knight Institute ask the newly confirmed attorney general to adopt more stringent standards specifying when the Justice Department will ...
The Virginia Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), located ß 2.2-3700 et. seq. of the Code of Virginia, guarantees citizens of the Commonwealth and representatives of the media access to public records ...
"Given its abysmal record on FOIA compliance during the last seven years, I hope that the administration will reconsider this unsound decision and enforce this law as Congress intended." The rumor was ...
Scott Bean, a spokesperson for Mayor Andy Schor, said in a statement that the city doesn't comment on active litigation, but ...
Excessive government secrecy takes many forms, including denying or ignoring FOIA requests and deleting data from websites.
Beyond data breach threats, DOD agencies must constantly balance the requirements for transparency in litigation, investigations and FOIA compliance with the need to protect data. They need a ...
Excessive government secrecy takes many forms, including denying or ignoring FOIA requests and deleting data from websites.
It's Sunshine Week, but transparency advocates say open government, already in peril, may be reaching a new low under the Trump administration.
Email: [[phmaso]] Phone: 757-221-3167 Office: James Blair 109 Pamela became Chief Compliance Officer for William & Mary in 2019 and serves as the Acting Title IX Coordinator. She was designated as the ...