POLLEN: Pollen is what triggers Romeo’s allergies. An allergic reaction to pollen can cause swelling and itching. A dog’s ...
During her lecture at Fetch Charlotte, Natalie Marks, DVM, CVJ, CCFP, Elite FFC-V, shared how to utilize exam room time and a ...
Scratching can signal an ear condition It's essential to monitor any changes in your dog's behavior. Dogs can't directly ...
Does your dog constantly itch, scratch, or suffer from digestive issues? It might not be fleas or a random upset stomach—your ...
Spring is just around the corner, and arriving with the more pleasant weather are those most unpleasant pests: fleas and ...
Living with a cat or dog a person is allergic to can be difficult. But an allergist says there are ways to get relief, and ...
Effectively Allergy Relief in Dogs: CloEaze Dog allergy chews contain a special formula to quickly alleviate itching caused by allergies and reduce symptoms. Allergy chews for dogs reduce itching ...
Like humans, sometimes dogs bite their nails. This can be for a number of reasons, from grooming to a medical issue, and many ...
The Story of a Dog, Shelley Fraser Mickle looks back and tells pretty much her whole life, in a zigzagging fashion, through ...