Working dogs take a day to adjust to the change in routine caused by Daylight Savings Time, whereas pet dogs and their owners ...
Daylight saving time is associated with health problems in humans. A new study looks at the impact on huskies and malamutes — ...
Most owners don't think twice about letting their pets roam in their fenced-in yards, but you might want to rethink the plan.
The Animal Sighting article on The South African website features weekly wildlife videos. Today’s video shows leopard ...
The recent coyote attack on a dog in Edgartown — some state and local officials say it may be the first widely reported ...
A crucial part of being a responsible pet owner is spaying or neutering your dog. This routine surgical sterilization ...
A Hull family is grieving the loss of their affectionate, two-year-old French bulldog after the beloved pet was killed by a ...
WALTHAM - A young dog survived being attacked by four to five coyotes in Waltham. The incident comes as local animal control departments warn that coyote mating season is here, and the animals will be ...
To help protect pets from coyotes, owners should supervise them outside, especially at night. If owners do not have a ...
Coyote mating season is upon us and they are most active during dusk and dawn. Follow these tips to stay safe.
Remove excess bird seed on the ground that may be attracting mice to your yard, which in turn attracts coyotes. Haze, or scare, coyotes out of your yard. Coyotes are naturally wary of people.