The last British submarine known to have severed a cable was HMS Conqueror in 1982. Fresh from firing the torpedoes that sank ...
Discover Bathynomus vaderi, a newly identified giant isopod species from Vietnam’s deep seas, named after Darth Vader.
Chennai: Tamil Nadu govt has announced stringent action against trawlers, gill net boats, and other deep-sea fishing vessels ...
They are targeted by commercial trawlers in various deep-water parts of the South China Sea and off the south-central coast of Vietnam. And in the last five years, the eerie bugs can be seen being ...
The coastal waters of Barguna, once teeming with marine life, are now under siege. Unauthorised trawling boats equipped with ...
CHENNAI: At 3.30 pm on Wednesday, four trawl boats were spotted fishing parallel to Thiruvanmiyur beach. The vessels were ...
Miles below, a deep-sea fish approached the camera’s bait then, changing its mind, swam backward to escape. The footage turned out to be a first-of-its-kind sighting — but it wasn’t the last.
Bathynomus vaderi, a newly discovered giant isopod in Vietnam, is now a popular delicacy and highlights the urgent need to ...